How does an online Physical Therapy consultation work?

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How does an online Physical Therapy consultation work?


Online Physical Therapy

Anyone who has been treated by me will know that I use a lot more than just hands-on work to get you out of pain. So, fortunately, my system is very adaptable to an online situation.

The system I use in the clinic will remain the same, I will discuss your current pain issue and any previous injury & medical history. I will then look at your movement patterns and bring you through some loading tests that are designed so that you can do them quite easily, without the need for any hands-on intervention from me. All this will be done via a secure video link, which will be sent to you in advance of your appointment.

Once I have all of the information required from the above tests I will be able to guide you through the exercise-based treatment that we will do within the consultation and then I will forward you the rehab exercises that you can complete between sessions.

So, as you can see, the only real difference is that we will use an exercise-based treatment instead of a hands-on treatment. Fortunately, I have an extensive exercise/rehab video library, so I can guide you through and forward you on all the exercises that you are going to need to get you pain-free.

If you, or anyone you know, are in pain and having trouble getting an appointment with a physio, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, get in touch (or ask them to get in touch) with me to find out about how one of my online consultations can help. I look forward to chatting with you soon.

Kind Regards,


Rory O’Donnell B.Sc Ph.Th. MIAPT

CORU Physiotherapists register No PT027892.


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