“Do you have shoulder pain brushing/washing your hair, putting on your coat or reaching to that high cupboard? Does your neck ache when you try to look over your shoulder? Have you had enough and want to become pain free long-term??”

Do you suffer from ongoing shoulder and/or neck pain? Do you have trouble lifting your arm over your head, are you getting pain reaching up to high cupboards or brushing/washing your hair? Are you finding it hard to look over your shoulder when you are reversing your car? If this sounds familiar then you may also have trouble sleeping. These are some of the common neck and shoulder complaints that we see daily in our clinic. If you suffer from any of these then you have probably tried pain medication and followed all of the advice from, resting it to putting ice and/or heat on it, however, nothing seems to be giving you the long-term pain free solution that you are looking for.

What can we do for you?

Using the same step by step system that we have successfully used on many high level professional sports people, we get to the source of your pain by really listening to your story; this allows us to understand YOUR pain and treat you as an individual.

We will analyse your current movement patterns and conduct a series of muscle testing which allows us to identify the true source of your pain. Subsequently, this enables us to work with you on treating the true cause of your pain, ensuring that it does not return, enabling you to be pain free and fully mobile.

So if you have had enough of pain, want a long term solution and have “thoughtless, fearless, pain free movement”. Call us today and have a no obligation phone chat with your dedicated therapist.